As a VJ in various occasions I was controlling the lights also.

I think it makes sense for the VJ and LJ to work together to compliment each other.

In many cases there was no LJ to deal with so I had to develop a way to control the lights as well as the visuals, so, behold: Let There Be Light

The system uses node based programming to map different sound frequencies to different light parameters.
In this manner I can create a system that can drive automatically any kind of light fixtures (smoke machines , co2 cannons etc) that are DMX enabled.
The light show never misses a beat, never misses a breakdown in the track, it's always on point.

It’s up to the client how complex it wants it to be.
It doesn't require an operator or any other input, just turning on the computer.
As an upgrade an iPhone or Android app can be created for operator control.
The video-walls in the clips are automated also to “pump” the brightness to the music’s beat and change the presets .
After all the visuals and lights are there to compliment the music.

For a live visual please visit following venues in Birmingham, all the rooms there use our Let There Be Light systems ( Snobs , Sobar , Theatrix and Henman & Cooper )

Contact for details